字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>中場的英文翻譯


拼音:zhōng chǎng


【經】 midsession


(1).舊時鄉試共分三場,第二場又稱中場。 明 張寧 《方洲雜言》:“ 正統 ... >>查看“中場”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 維拉和熱刺已經將漢堡中場德容列為轉會目標。
    Aston Villa and Tottenham target Nigel de Jong is set to stay with Hamburg.
  2. 演出中有一次中場休息,讓聽眾們稍事休息。
    There is a break during the performance for the audience to take a rest
  3. 中場對他來說最為重要。
    Midfield will always get a preference for him
  4. 教練在中場休息時給了我們一些十分必要的鼓勵。
    The coach gave us a much-needed pep talk during the half
  5. 皇家馬德里中場埃莫森很有可能在夏天回到尤文圖斯.
    Real Madrid midfielder Emerson is set to return to Juventus in the summer.
  6. 掃帚掃淨溜石餅遊戲中場地上冰塊的掃帚
    The broom used to sweep the ice from the path of a curling stone
  7. 中場應該是用來做調整的時間。
    Half time should be used to make adjustment.
  8. 利物浦隊在中場休息後讓候補隊員上場比賽。
    Liverpool brought on their sub at half-time.
