字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>中飯的英文翻譯 “中飯”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhōng fàn


lunch; midday meal


(1) ∶正餐,正午用的飲食(2) ∶中午便餐,通常指中午所用的便餐 >>查看“中飯”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 對不起,在吃中飯時打擾你,但我有急事必須對你說。
    Sorry to break into your lunch hour, but I must speak to you urgently.
  2. 他是走讀生,但中飯經常在學校里吃。
    He was a nonresident student, but he used to lunch in at school
  3. 然後就該吃中飯了,中飯後稍稍休息一會兒。
    Then it is time for lunch, followed by a brief rest
  4. 如果不吃早飯,就不能保持最佳的狀態,中飯時你會因飢餓而狼吞虎咽,下午感覺困頓。
    You will more likely gorge yourself at lunch and have a sleepy afternoon
  5. 一起吃頓中飯怎樣?
    how about having lunch with me?
  6. 昨天我們被請去吃了一頓12道菜的中飯
    Yesterday we were treated to a twelve-course lunch.
  7. 她像是我生命中飯碗上新鮮的生薑。
    She is like fresh ginger on the rice bowl of my life.
  8. 那商人過去經常到這俱樂部吃中飯
    The dealer used to resort to the Club for his lunch.
