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拼音:zhōng qiū jié


the Mid-autumn Festival


中國的傳統節日,在農曆八月十五日,這一天有賞月、吃月餅的風俗 >>查看“中秋節”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 本周六(9/21)是中秋節祝大家有一個快樂的節日。
    Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival; we wish everyone a happy holiday
  2. 我在中秋節烤肉時大吃特吃。
    I stuffed myself at the Mid-Autumn Festival barbecue.
  3. 我希望每個人都有一個快樂的中秋節
    I hope everyone has a happy mid-autumn.
  4. 中秋節吃月餅就像西方人聖誕節吃百果餡餅一樣,是必不可少的。
    Mooncakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas.
  5. 月餅是迎接即將來臨的中秋節的一種特殊糕點。
    Moon cake is a special pastry for the coming Mid-Autumn Festival
  6. 本周六(9/21)是中秋節?祝大家有一個快樂的節日。
    Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival; we wish everyone a happy holiday.
  7. 農曆八月十五正值秋季正中,所以叫中秋節
    The 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the Mid-autumn Festival.
