字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>重新裝的英文翻譯


拼音:zhòng xīn zhuāng


【經】 reload


  1. 重新裝訂再一次裝訂,尤指對(某書)重新裝
    To bind again, especially to put a new binding on(a book).
  2. 三家公司都以書面形式對這個酒吧的重新裝修成本做了估算。
    Three firm estimate for the refit of the bar.
  3. 重新裝飾房屋將是一項很大的花費
    Redecorating the house will be a considerable expense
  4. 重裝本重新裝訂後的書
    A book that has been rebound
  5. 重新裝訂再一次裝訂,尤指對(某書)重新裝
    To bind again, especially to put a new binding on(a book)
  6. 大衛,我想重新裝修一下臥室,你能幫我一下嗎
    I want to redecorate my bedroom, DavidCan you do me a favor
  7. 你把書的散頁重新裝訂成冊好嗎?
    Will you sew the scattered sheets of a book ?
  8. 工廠正在重新裝備以便開始製造新系列車型。
    The factory is retooling to start making the new line of cars.
