字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>周身的英文翻譯 “周身”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhōu shēn


the whole body


渾身;全身上下,無一例外周身都淋濕了 >>查看“周身”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 周身酸溜溜
    have a vague feeling of pain all over
  2. 萬事通,無事精通。周身刀沒把利。
    A Jack of all trades is master of none
  3. 我感到周身發冷。
    I felt a chill creep over me.
  4. 周身有種詼諧但又傲慢的氣質
    had a witty but overweening manner about him
  5. “把你髒手從我妻子身上拿開!”他氣得周身毛髮倒豎。
    Page 53: "Keep your hands off my wife!" he bristled angrily.
  6. 他不顧周身的灼傷, 一躍而起, 向激戰的地方衝去。
    In spite of his burns, he sprang up and rushed towards the fighting.
  7. 萬事通,無事精通。周身刀沒把利。
    A Jack of all trades is master of none.
  8. 一種奇異的痙攣的感覺傳遍她周身
    A curious spasm passed through her
