字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>專業的的英文翻譯


拼音:zhuān yè de


【醫】 technical
【經】 professional


1.professionary  2.technical  


  1. 行話一個行業、職業或類似的團體中使用的專業的或技術的語言
    The specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group.
  2. 瓊斯政務員建議,在12月舉行一次晚會,請一位專業的聖誕老人來助興,這筆開支從招待海外來訪者的預算經費中支出,委員會馬上採納了這一建議。
    The committee seized on Councillor Jones's idea for a party in December with a professional Father Christmas-to be paid for out of the budget for entertaining overseas visitors.
  3. 科學家必須努力工作,以便對本專業的最新發現和進展有充分的了解。
    Scientists have to work hard to get abreast of the latest discoveries and developments in their field.
  4. 他是專業的電工技師。
    He is a professional electric technician
  5. 分析:通常不這么說,越線擲球有專業的用語:
    You have stepped on the line twice.
  6. 我丈夫獲得過計算機專業的學位。
    My husband have a degree in computing
  7. 你是專業的,我是業餘的。
    You are a professional, but I am a amateur.
  8. 基礎英文是英文專業的主幹課程。
    Basic English is one of the main courses in English specialized courses.
