字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>住房的英文翻譯 “住房”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhù fáng


housing; lodging
【醫】 dwelling; residence


供住人的房子 >>查看“住房”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 管理公共住房的行政官員。
    a commissioner in charge of public housing
  2. 住房公積金提取規定!
    Housing accumulation fund draws a regulation!
  3. 造成社會困境的原因包括住房不足。
    The causes of social distress include inadequate housing.
  4. 你可以得到一筆拔款以修繕住房
    You can get a grant to improve your house.
  5. 我們正努力改善住房條件
    We are working to improve housing conditions.
  6. 污水池一種用於接收如從住房里排放的污水或廢水的有覆蓋物的洞或坑
    A covered hole or pit for receiving drainage or sewage, as from a house.
  7. 我建議他們向市政會申請改善住房的貸款。
    I advise that they apply to the council for a home improvement grant.
  8. 隨著住房供給市場的遲緩,大多數經濟學家預期經濟產值減少。
    As the housing market stalls, most economists are expecting output to slow.
