字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>主角的英文翻譯 “主角”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhǔ jué


leading role; protagonist
【醫】 principal angle; refracting angle


(1) ∶影、劇的領銜主演者或處於中心地位的人物角色主角一出場,全場響起一片掌聲... >>查看“主角”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 在許多個夜裡我是他的主角
    Whitney:I was his star 4 many nights.
  2. 主角演員病了, 讓他的替角出場。
    The leading player is ill. Let his understudy to appear on the scene.
  3. 我們已邀他唱主角
    We've lined him up to sing the main role.
  4. 小說中與書名同名的主角
    a titular character of a novel
  5. 攝影機向男主角移近, 準備拍攝一組特寫鏡頭。
    The camera moved in on the hero for a close-up sequence
  6. 阿摩林:那是小大姐那能做女主角呀?
    Suckah: She is a lady* maybe she will be our leading lady
  7. 今晚這場紅杉樹音樂會的主角是女高音朱佳莉。
    The star of this evening of the Redwood Concert is soprano Julia Zhu.
  8. 芭蕾舞女主角芭蕾舞團的主要女演員
    A principal woman dancer in a ballet company
