字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>準則的英文翻譯 “準則”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhǔn zé


canon; criterion; norm; rule; standard
【計】 guide line
【經】 guideline; reference frame; standard


行為或道德所遵循的標準或原則行為準則 >>查看“準則”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他的行為違背了禮法的準則
    His behaviour offends against the canons of good manners.
  2. 保守的支持傳統的觀點和社會準則的;傾向於反對變革的
    Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
  3. Bloch函式的準則(英文)
    Criteria for Functions to Be Bloch
  4. AK-16A配合比設計準則研究
    Research on Design Principles of AK-16A Proportioning
  5. 我們在這裡簡單給出AIC準則的推導過程,這是本文工作的主要理論基礎.
    This paper introduces AIC which is the basis of this paper.
  6. 環形缺口拉伸圓桿的統一模型和斷裂準則
    The Unified Model and Fracture Criterion of Annular Breach Bar in Tension
  7. 這是流暢度的黃金準則
    This is the golden rule of flow.
  8. 他為人準則是“杜絕蠢事”。
    He was a very much “no nonsense” man
