字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>諸如此類的英文翻譯 “諸如此類”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhū rú cǐ lèi


and all that; and what not; such; things like that


像這一類有不少。也表示其他以此類推諸如此類,均在嚴打之列 >>查看“諸如此類”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 明信片上只寫了“祝你過得很愉快”,“真希望你在也這兒”或諸如此類的話。
    The card just said "Having wonderful time." "Wish you were here" or some such things.
  2. 她賣各種水果、糖果、玩具、雪茄菸以及諸如此類的東西。
    She sells fruits, candies, toys, cigars, and all that.
  3. 我更喜歡非小說類作品:歷史、社會評論等諸如此類的。
    I prefer non-fiction: history, social commentary, and stuff like that.
  4. 我沒有時間去欣賞音樂會,看電影以及諸如此類的消遣。
    I have no time for concerts,cinemas and suchlike.
  5. 諸如此類的影響在軍事力量的運用中比比皆是。
    And those kinds of implications go throughout the use of military forces.
  6. 他的脾氣不好,諸如此類的小事往往會使他發火。
    He has a quick temper; such little things will fire him up
  7. 諸如此類,等等等等。
    And so on, and so on.
