字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>註銷的英文翻譯 “註銷”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhù xiāo


cancel; write off
【計】 log off; log out; log-down; log-off; logout
【化】 cancel; write off
【經】 cancellation; cancelling; cross off; cross out


撤消;消除;使…作廢註銷營業執照 >>查看“註銷”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.cancellation  2.logoff  3.cancel(CANCL)  4.crossed  5.annul  6.log-off  7.log-out  8.crossout  9.tocancel  10.tonullify  11.towriteoff  


  1. 他永遠不打算支付那筆錢款了,因而我想我們必須把它註銷掉。
    He's never going to pay that money so I suppose we must write it off.
  2. 使用戶實體能夠註冊(例如標識用戶本身、註冊目的以及進入時間)的一種裝置,並能和相應的數據一起註銷,以便配合作業系統辦理適當的記帳手續。
    A device that enables a user entity to log in, for example, to identify itself, its purpose and the time of entry; and to log out with the corresponding data so that the appropriate accounting procedures may be carried out in accordance with the operating system.
  3. 郵戳包裹上替代郵票和註銷記號的標記
    Markings on bulk mailings used as a substitute for stamps or cancellations
  4. 消戳用於註銷郵戳的一種標記
    A motto forming part of a postal cancellation
  5. 消戳用於註銷郵戳的一種標記
    A motto forming part of a postal cancellation.
  6. 公司只得把那筆沒希望要回的債務註銷
    The firm had to charge off the debt as hopeless.
  7. 郵戳包裹上替代郵票和註銷記號的標記
    Markings on bulk mailings used as a substitute for stamps or cancellations.
