字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>滋的英文翻譯 “滋”的日文翻譯



grow; multiply


滋 zī 生出,長:滋生。滋芽。滋事。滋擾(騷擾生事)。潛滋暗長。 增益,加多...


  1. 如果這種婚姻出自一個女人的自願選擇,甚至是不顧親友的勸告而選擇的,那么就讓她自己去品嘗這枚果實的味吧。
    But this never fails, if the bad husbands were of their own choosing, against their friends consent; for then they will be sure to make good their own folly.
  2. 營養品,養物營養的來源,尤指食物中的營養成分
    A source of nourishment, especially a nourishing ingredient in a food.
  3. 人們必須依賴比希望更養的東西來過活。
    People have to live on something more nourishing than hope.
  4. 彩虹的景象,味就好像多汁,多彩,甜的棒棒糖。
    The scene of a rainbow tastes like a juicy, colorful and sweet lollipop
  5. 他在她的舌頭上和生殖器周圍找到愛病的病徵。
    He found telltale signs of AIDS on her tongue and around her genitals.
  6. 彩虹的景象,味就好像多汁,多彩,甜的棒棒糖。
    The scene of a rainbow tastes like a juicy, colorful and sweet lollipop.
  7. 尚未有人能夠治癒愛病。
    No one has been able to cure aids.
  8. 只有比別人更早、更勤奮地努力,才能嘗到成功的味。
    Get up early, grind out hardy, gain on success.
