字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>子孫的英文翻譯 “子孫”的日文翻譯


拼音:zǐ sūn


descendants; offspring; posterity; progeny; scion; seed
【法】 descendant; offspring; scion


(1) ∶兒子和孫子子孫荷擔者三夫。——《列子&midd... >>查看“子孫”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.progeniture  2.descendants  3.son  4.scion  5.seed  6.root  7.descendant  8.progeny  9.descent  10.cion  11.sprig  12.proles  


  1. 半神半人的女神神與人的女性子孫,她擁有一部分但並不是全部神的力量
    A female being, often the offspring of a god and a mortal, who has some but not all of the powers of a goddess.
  2. 騾子既無足以自豪的祖宗,亦無可以寄託希望的子孫
    A mule have neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.
  3. 新學院仍然是有錢人及其子孫們經常光顧的地方,他們去那裡的主要目的倒不一定是為了求學長才。就是今天,我們也可以把馬領到河邊,但卻沒法讓它非喝水不可。
    New college remained largely the haunt of the well-to-do, their sons and their sons' sons, and the desire or ability to learn was a minor consideration. Even today you can take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.
  4. 基於或通過男性傳統來追溯子孫後代的。
    based on or tracing descent through the male line.
  5. 代上24:24烏薛的子孫里有米迦.米迦的子孫里有沙密。
    Of the sons of Uzziel, Micah; of the sons of Micah, Shamir.
  6. 子孫先後出現幾個秀才。
    Several of their descendants were scholars.
  7. 一己的私慾可以引起戰端,一念的仇恨可以禍延子孫
    Selfishness provokes war. Hatred rouses generations of calamity.
  8. 某一特定祖先的所有子孫後代。
    all of the offspring of a given progenitor.
