字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>縱情的英文翻譯 “縱情”的日文翻譯


拼音:zòng qíng


as much as one likes; riot


任憑自己的感情;盡情縱情以傲物。——唐· ... >>查看“縱情”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他今晚要出去縱情狂歡了。
    He is going to go out and raise hob.
  2. 全城都在慶祝節日, 縱情歡樂。
    The whole city kept holiday, and gave itself up to pleasure.
  3. 縱情享樂;放縱自己
    To take luxurious pleasure; indulge oneself.
  4. 我們縱情歡樂了一個晚上,黎明時回到了家裡。
    We got home at dawn after a night on the tiles.
  5. 縱情大笑一陣後才繼續下去。
    She gave herself over to laughter before she could go on.
  6. 我們為他當選州長的訊息縱情歡呼。
    We cheered the news that he was elected governor.
  7. 她想念卡巴頓想得要死,縱情淚落兩行。
    She missed Cal so much that she felt torn in two.
  8. 泰德在暑假裡縱情玩樂了一番。
    Ted had a fling during the summer vacation
