字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>最低點的英文翻譯


拼音:zuì dī diǎn


nadir; rock bottom; zero
【醫】 min.; minima; minimum


  1. 含有烴類的那部分圈閉的最低點稱為溢出點。
    The highest point of a trap is the crest, or culmination
  2. 短暫的白晝和沉鬱的天氣勾結到了一塊,將伊娃的情緒降到了最低點
    The short days and foul weather conspire to drive Eva into the ground.
  3. 到這次新聞發布時, 貿易量已達到最低點
    At the time of this news release, trading had reached its lowest point.
  4. 他的成功的機會降到了最低點
    His chances of success sank to zero.
  5. 去年石油供給充足,價格降到最低點
    Last year there was a big supply of oil and the price hit bottom
  6. 表示低谷最低點的線。
    a line following the lowest points of a valley
  7. 產量降到新的最低點
    Production has fallen to new depths.
  8. 市價達最低點,我們是否也買一些?
    Market touched bottom shall we buy small lot
