字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>最高的的英文翻譯


拼音:zuì gāo de


supreme; grand; highest; maximum; paramount; peak; upmost
【醫】 maximal
【經】 peak; top


  1. 藥敏試驗中敏感性最高的是克拉黴素、阿齊黴素、羅紅黴素、司帕沙星 ;
    The Drug sensitivities of CLA,AzI,ROX and SPA were highest;
  2. 他是三者中最高的一位。
    He is the tallest of the three.
  3. 占據著一個社會裡最高的社會經濟地位。
    occupying the highest socioeconomic position in a society
  4. 成為最偉大的或可能最高的
    Being the greatest or highest possible.
  5. 首領在等級或權威上最高的人;首領
    One who is highest in rank or authority; a leader
  6. 處於或者朝最高的位置。
    in or into the highest position.
  7. 我認為您應該得到最高的讚揚。
    I think you deserve the highest praise.
  8. 位於第16位的玻利維亞,是欠已開發國家里排名最高的國家。
    Bolivia, in 16th place, was rated highest among less-developed countries.
