字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>作出決定的英文翻譯


拼音:zuò chū jué dìng


【法】 decision-making


  1. 說起來是容易的,你不用作出決定
    It is easy to speak, and you need not not make the decision.
  2. 我們還沒作出決定
    We havent decided yet.
  3. 董事會久久不能作出決定
    The board are slow to come to a decision
  4. 我們一經作出決定,定會通知您。
    As soon as we reach a conclusion, you will hear from us.
  5. 沒有必要匆忙作出決定
    There is no hurry to make a decision.
  6. 你該將此事提交總部作出決定
    You should refer this matter back to head office for a decision.
  7. 他得在一定時間內作出決定
    He had to decide within a given period.
  8. 在未獲悉詳情之前我得從緩作出決定
    I shall postpone making a decision till I learn full particulars.
