字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>做法的英文翻譯 “做法”的日文翻譯


拼音:zuò fǎ


method of work; practice


(1) ∶處理事情或製作物品的方法自我檢查的做法(2) ∶施行法術誰知道?準是那... >>查看“做法”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 實施護理投訴個案分析的做法
    Analysis on the accusable cases related to nursing care
  2. 然而,我們將採取最為明智的做法
    And then we will do the wisest thing of all
  3. 我的做法似乎仍像以前一樣高超精明--但那只是從理論上講。
    My procedure seemed as sagacious as ever but only in theory.
  4. 對央行而言,這種做法是危險的。
    That is a dangerous path for a central bank to tread
  5. 延長工作時間的做法引起了強烈反對
    The longer working hours caused a big fuss
  6. 他改變了前輩哲學家那种放空炮的做法
    He changed the blank practice of the elder philosophers.
  7. 代替僅僅用工程師快攻的做法,你應該把他們混雜在你的部隊里。
    It is true, but we have here a great way to workaround this issue.
  8. 這種慣常做法從法律記憶時間前就一直存在。
    This practice have exist from before the time of legal memory.
