字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>作圖的英文翻譯


拼音:zuò tú


【機】 construction


  1. 用攝影術為印刷品制作圖版。
    using photography to produce a plate for printing
  2. 一種帶作圖的Bliss法計算LD_(50)的BASIC程式
    A BASIC Program Computing LD_(50) with Figure by Bliss Method
  3. 擬南芥AST基因的精細作圖
    Fine Structure Mapping of AST Gene in Arabidopsis
  4. 新大樓的第三層將劃作圖書館。
    The second floor of our new building will be given up to the library.
  5. 在此基礎上進而研究開發了計算機輔助光學作圖系統。
    They are demonstrated based on single spherical lens.
  6. 畫或作圖示畫或做一個圖解式的陳述
    To draw or make a graphic representation of
  7. 製作技術性或者示意性的圖;制作圖表。
    make a schematic or technical drawing of; make a diagram of.
  8. 用攝影術為印刷品制作圖版。
    using photography to produce a plate for printing.
