字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>作業的英文翻譯 “作業”的日文翻譯


拼音:zuò yè


exercise; operation; production; school assignment; task; work
【計】 job
【經】 operations; perform


(1) ∶教師布置的功課家庭作業(2) ∶為完成生產和軍事訓練任務等而布置的活動... >>查看“作業”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 不,她星期一有家庭作業
    No, she has homework on Monday.
  2. 森林採伐作業對跡地徑流水質的影響
    Effects of harvesting operations on water quality of brooks in forest sites
  3. 你可下載一份包含所有下列作業的PDF檔案。
    You may download a PDF file containing all of the assignments listed below
  4. NES-C_3在噪聲作業人員情感狀態測試中的套用
    Application of NES-C3 in test of workers exposed to noise
  5. 鮑勃在埋頭做家庭作業
    Bob is up to his neck in homework.
  6. 關於我的家庭作業他說了些嘲諷的話。
    He said some biting things about my homework.
  7. 她這個周末有一大堆的作業要做。
    She has piles of homework to do this weekend.
  8. 她竭力設法做完家庭作業
    She set herself to finish her homework.
