字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>作證的英文翻譯 “作證”的日文翻譯


拼音:zuò zhèng


give evidence; attest; bear witness; depose; tell; testify; witness
【經】 bear witness


(1) ∶當證人;提供證據(2) ∶當證據可以作證的材料太少 >>查看“作證”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我可以為他的誠實作證
    I can testify to his honesty .
  2. 邁爾斯拒絕就8名檢察官解職一事出庭作證
    Miers refused to testify about the firing of eight US attorneys.
  3. 他被傳喚出庭作證
    He was summoned as a witness
  4. 拒絕作證
    decline to give evidence
  5. 蒼天作證, 我確實已盡力而為了。
    Heaven only knows; I have tried hard enough.
  6. 有多少人作證說你的供詞是真的呢?
    How many people have testified to the truth of your statements?
  7. 他宣誓作證自己目睹了那起事故。
    He makes a deposition that he have witness the accident
  8. 在開審時,他為被告作證
    He gave witness on behalf of the accused person at the trial.
