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拼音:zú yǐ zhèng míng


【法】 speak volumes for


  1. 他的貧困足以證明他是廉潔的。
    He is proof against corruption as witness his poverty.
  2. 這些事實足以證明她是對的。
    These facts are enough to prove that she is right.
  3. 這次意外事件足以證明事先不作準備是多么的愚蠢。
    This accident serves to show the foolishness of not being prepared .
  4. 乾一件瘋事並不足以證明一個人就是瘋子。(諺)
    One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad.
  5. 編造這個證據足以證明他很有才能。
    He is quite capable of cooking the evidence.
  6. 乾一件瘋事並不足以證明一個人就是瘋子。(諺)
    One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad
