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音標['bai.lɔ:] 讀音


n. 附則, 細則


名詞 bylaw:

  1. a rule made by a local authority to regulate its own affairs
    同義詞:bye law



A law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization.
A secondary law.

Middle English bilawe [body of local regulations] ; akin to Danish by-lag [township ordinance]
中古英文 bilawe [地方法規體制] ;類似於 丹麥語 by-lag [鎮區的法令]
Old Norse btr [settlement] * see bheu…-
古斯堪的納維亞語 btr [解決] *參見 bheu…-
Old Norse *lagu [law] * see legh-
古斯堪的納維亞語 *lagu [法律] *參見 legh-

<注釋>A casual glance at the wordbylaw might make one think that the element by- means .secondary, subsidiary,. especially sincebylaw can mean .a secondary law.. It is possible thatby-, as in byway, has influencedbylaw in the sense .secondary law.; however,bylaw existed long before the sense in question. The word is first recorded in 283 with the meaning .a body of customs or regulations, as of a village, manor, religious organization, or sect..By- in this word comes from Old Norse, as may the wordbylaw, and is related to if not identical with the element -by in the names of many places, such as Whitby, where Scandinavians settled when they invaded England during the early Middle Ages.We get the sense of this-by if we compare the related word entered as bôr, b÷r, btr, in the standard dictionary of Old Icelandic, meaning .a town or village. in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark and .a farm or landed estate. in Iceland. We thus see whybylaw would mean .a body of customs of a village or manor. and why we use the word to mean .a law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization..
隨意瞟一眼單詞bylaw 可能會使人想起前綴 by- ,意為.第二位的,次要的., 因為bylaw 意為.附屬的法規.。 可能因為前綴by- 位於 byway 中, 它影響bylaw .附屬法規.這一意義; 然而bylaw 一詞在上述意義產生之前早已存在。 該詞最初是在283年以.一種習俗或規章體系,如村莊、縣邑、宗教組織或派系之中.這種含義記載的。前綴By- 來自古斯堪的納維亞語中, 正如bylaw 一詞在許多地名之中與後綴 -by不是完全一致,就是彼此相關, 如惠特比,這是斯堪的納維亞人在中世紀早期侵入英格蘭之後的定居地。如果我們將古冰島標準字典中的相關詞bôr, b÷r, btr (在挪威、瑞典和丹麥這些國家中意為.城鎮或村莊.而在冰島意為.農場或莊園.)加以比較,就會得出後綴 -by 的含義。 我們因而可以明白為什bylaw詞意為.村莊或縣邑的習俗體系. 以及我們為什麼使用其.一種法規或規則,用於管理一個組織的內部事務.這一意義
