首頁>> 英漢字典>> E開頭詞條>>easel的意思


音標['i:zәl] 讀音


n. 畫架, 黑板架


名詞 easel:

  1. an upright tripod for displaying something (usually an artist's canvas)



An upright frame for displaying or supporting something, such as an artist`s canvas.

Dutch ezel [ass]
荷蘭ezel [驢]
from Middle Dutch esel
源自 中古荷蘭語 esel
from Latin asellus [diminutive of] asinus
源自 拉丁語 asellus [] asinus的小後綴

<注釋>.A painter`s ass. is not a phrase that immediately brings to mind an accessory to the artist`s profession.Buteasel comes to us from the Dutch word ezel, meaning .an ass, one of several hoofed mammals of the genusEquus. . The Dutch word was eventually extended to mean .an upright frame for displaying or supporting something, such as an artist`s canvas,.in the same way that the English wordhorse has come to mean .a piece of gymnastic equipment with an upholstered body used especially for vaulting.. Developments such as these illustrate the playfulness present in language when its speakers use similarities perceived between two objects in order to name one of them.This kind of naming can involve a dash of wit,as is probably the case with the Dutch wordezel. It is certainly the case with the name for a bank of uncovered outdoor seats for spectators.When sitting in the open air in a stadium,one is exposed to the sunjust as linens are when they are bleached on a clothesline;thus,bleachers.
.一個畫家的驢.並不是一個馬上使人聯想到畫家作畫工具的詞組。但是easel 從荷蘭語單詞 ezel 而來, 意思是.驢, 屬的幾種蹄類哺乳動物中的一種.。 這個荷蘭語單詞最終引申為表示.用於展示或支撐某物,如畫家畫布的一種直立框架.。同樣,英文單詞 發展成為表示.可用於跳躍並帶有支架軀體的一種體操器械.。 語言的這些發展表現了說話者利用兩個物體間明顯的相似之處來給其中一物命名時的玩笑似的做法。這種命名方式帶點機智和想像,可能這個荷蘭詞ezel 就是這種情況。 同樣情況也發生在對露天看台椅子的命名上。當坐在露天體育場裡,人們暴曬陽光之中,就好象漂洗過的亞麻布晾到曬衣繩上一樣;因而就有了單詞bleachers(露天看台)
