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音標['gʌni.sæk] 讀音


n. 黃麻袋


名詞 gunnysack:

  1. a bag made of burlap
    同義詞:gunny sack, burlap bag



n.Chiefly Western U.S. (名詞)【多用於美國西部】
A bag or sack made of gunny.Also called Regional crocus sack Regional croker sack Regional tow bag Regional tow sack
黃麻袋:由黃麻袋製成的小袋或 * 袋也作 【區域的】 crocus sack【區域的】 croker sack【區域的】 tow bag【區域的】 tow sack

<注釋>A large sack made from loosely woven,coarse material such as burlapgoes by a variety of names in regional American English.In the greater West the usual term isgunnysack, which ultimately comes from the Sanskrit wordgono, meaning .jute or hemp fiber..In the Upper Southsuch a sack is called atow sack, and in Eastern North Carolina,atow bag. (The word tow is another synonym for fabric made from jute or hemp and probably derives from an Old English word for .spinning..) In the Lower Souththe same type of bag is called acrocus sack or a croker sack, both terms deriving from the wordcrocus. According to Craig M. Carver, who draws on the research of Walter S. Avis,.Crocus is a coarse, loosely woven material once worn by slaves and laborers and common in colonial New England. It probably took its name from the sacks in which crocus or saffron was shipped..Though the termcrocus sack had virtually disappeared from New England by the end of the 9th century, it survives in the South.
這種由編織疏鬆的粗布材料,比如粗麻製成的 * 袋,在美國的各地有著各種不同的叫法。在廣闊的西部,通常的叫法是gunnysack, 這個詞推至其本源是從梵文的goni 而來, 意思是.黃麻或 * 纖維.。在美國南部靠北的地區,這種口袋被叫做tow sack, 而在北卡羅來納州的東部,人們稱它為tow bagtow 這個詞是 * 或黃麻織物的另外一個同義詞,這個詞很可能是從古英文中.spinning.編織這個詞而來)。 在美國南部靠南那些地區,這種類型的口袋被叫做crocus sack 或者croker sack兩者都由得自單詞crocus 。 克雷格·M·卡弗爾在參考了沃爾特·S·阿維斯的研究資料後得出結論:.Crocus 原是新英格蘭殖民區中奴隸和苦力穿的一種編織疏鬆,粗糙的布料, 它很可能是由裝載番紅花和藏紅花的布袋而得名.。儘管crocus sack 這個詞到9世紀末在新英格蘭已經被廢棄, 但在南方人們還一直使用這個詞

