字典網>> 英漢字典>> P開頭詞條>>pop的意思 漢英字典




n. 砰然聲, 槍擊, 含氣飲料, 流行音樂, 通俗藝術
a. 流行的, 熱門的, 通俗的
vt. 使發出爆裂聲, 開槍打, 突然伸出
vi. 發出爆裂聲, 射擊, 突然出現, 瞪大
ad. 突然, 砰地
【計】 出現點, 郵局協定
pop off
pop the question to
pop up
pop sb up


動詞過去式:popped 過去分詞:popped 現在分詞:popping 第三人稱單數:pops pop


名詞 pop:

  1. an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk
    同義詞:dad, dada, daddy, pa, papa, pappa
  2. a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring
    同義詞:soda, soda pop, soda water, tonic
  3. a sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork
  4. music of general appeal to teenagers; a bland watered-down version of rock'n'roll with more rhythm and harmony and an emphasis on romantic love
    同義詞:pop music

動詞 pop:

  1. bulge outward
    同義詞:start, protrude, pop out, bulge, bulge out, bug out, come out
  2. hit a pop-fly
  3. make a sharp explosive noise
  4. fire a weapon with a loud explosive noise
  5. cause to make a sharp explosive sound
  6. appear suddenly or unexpectedly
    同義詞:crop up, pop up
  7. put or thrust suddenly and forcefully
  8. release suddenly
  9. hit or strike
  10. drink down entirely
    同義詞:toss off, bolt down, belt down, pour down, down, drink down, kill
  11. take drugs, especially orally
  12. cause to burst with a loud, explosive sound
  13. burst open with a sharp, explosive sound

形容詞 pop:

  1. (of music or art) new and of general appeal (especially among young people)

副詞 pop:

  1. like a pop or with a pop



  1. The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch.
  2. He likes pop; he doesn't care for classic music.
  3. I have no interest in pop music.
