字典網>> 英漢字典>> P開頭詞條>>preposition的意思


音標[,prep?'zi??n] 讀音


n. 前置詞, 介詞


名詞 preposition:

  1. a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word
  2. (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached)


  1. Preposition is abbreviated as "prep" in this dictionary.
    介詞在字典中略作 “prep”。



n.Abbr. prep.Grammar (名詞)縮寫 prep.【語法】
In some languages, a word placed before a substantive and indicating the relation of that substantive to a verb, an adjective, or another substantive, as Englishat, by, in, to, from, and with.
介詞:在一些語言中放在一實詞前,用於表示這一實詞與動詞形容詞或另一實詞的關係,如英文中的at, by, in, to, fromwith
A word or construction similar in function to a preposition, such asin regard to or concerning.
前置詞:功能類似於介詞的詞或結構,如 in regard to concerning

Middle English preposicioun
中古英文 preposicioun
from Old French preposicion
源自 古法文 preposicion
from Latin praepositiô praepositiôn- [a putting before, preposition] translation of Greek prothesis
源自 拉丁語 praepositiô praepositiôn- [前置,介詞] 希臘語 prothesis的翻譯
from praepositus [past participle of] praepônere [to put in front]
源自 praepositus [] praepônere的過去分詞 [放在前邊]
prae- [pre-]
prae- [前綴,表.先於.]
nere [to put] * see apo-
nere [放置] *參見 apo-

The doctrine that a preposition may not be used to end a sentence was first promulgated by Dryden, probably on the basis of a specious analogy to Latin,and was subsequently refined by 8th-century grammarians.The rule has since become one of the most venerated maxims of schoolroom grammatical lore.But sentences ending with prepositions can be found in the works of most of the great writers since the Renaissance.In fact, English syntax allows and sometimes requires final placement of the preposition.Such placement is the only possible one in sentencessuch asWe have much to be thankful for or That depends on what you believe in. Efforts to rewrite such sentencesto place the preposition elsewhere will have comically stilted results;for example:We have much for which to be thankful or That depends on that in which you believe. · Even sticklers for the traditional rule can have no grounds for criticizing sentencessuch asI don`t know where she will end up or It`s the most curious book I`ve ever run across. In these examples,up and across are used as adverbs, not prepositions, as demonstrated by the ungrammaticality of sentencessuch asI don`t know up where she will end and It`s the most curious book across which I have ever run.
介詞不能用來結束句子這一理論最先是由德萊頓可能基於與拉丁語的一個似是而非的類比而提出的,接著又由8世紀語法學家加以改善琢磨,從此這一規則便作為學校語法教育中神化般的至理名言,但是用介詞結尾的句子可以在文藝復興以來大多數名家的作品中找到,事實上,英文句法中有時允許甚至要求把介詞放在最後這种放置。只有在下列句子中才是唯一可能的:We have much to be thankful forThat depends on what you believe in 。 要改寫這種句子,如把介詞放在別處則會產生做作滑稽效果;例如:We have much for which to be thankfulThat depends on that in which you believe · 即使是那些拘泥於傳統規則的人也找不出理由去批評這樣的句子,如I don`t know where she will end upIt`s the most curious book I`ve ever run across 。 在這些例子中upacross 被用作副詞, 而不是象以下句子中的違反語法現象所顯示的那樣是介詞:如I don`t know up where she will end It`s the most curious book across which I have ever run

preposition 2也作 pre-po.si.tion

To position or place in position in advance:
artillery that was prepositioned at strategic points in the desert.
預先放置在沙漠中戰略要點處的 *

