字典網>> 英漢字典>> R開頭詞條>>rhubarb的意思


音標['ru:bɑ:b] 讀音


n. 大黃, 大黃根


名詞 rhubarb:

  1. long pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked and sweetened
  2. plants having long green or reddish acidic leafstalks growing in basal clumps; stems (and only the stems) are edible when cooked; leaves are poisonous
    同義詞:rhubarb plant


  1. "Won't you grow any fruit?" "No. only rhubarb, God's gift to Scotland and lazy gardeners."



Any of several plants of the genusRheum, especially R. rhubarbarum, having long, green or reddish acidic leafstalks that are edible when sweetened and cooked. Also called pie plant
大黃:一種大黃屬 植物,尤指 食用大黃 ,有綠色或微紅色帶酸味的長葉柄,加糖或烹製後可食用 也作 pie plant
The dried, bitter-tasting rhizome and roots ofRheum palmatum or R. officinale of eastern Asia, used as a laxative.
大黃的根:亞洲東部的掌葉大黃藥用大黃 的味苦的乾根莖和根,用作緩瀉劑
Informal A quarrel, fight, or heated discussion.
【非正式用語】 喧譁,吵鬧:爭吵,爭鬥或激烈討論

Middle English rubarbe
中古英文 rubarbe
from Old French
源自 古法文
from Late Latin reubarbarum
源自 後期拉丁語 reubarbarum
probably alteration influenced by Greek rhôon
可能為 受 希臘語 rhôon的影響
of rhabarbarum
rha [rhubarb] from Greek perhaps from Rha [the Volga River]
rha [大黃] 源自 希臘語 可能源自 [伏爾加河]
Latin barbarum [neuter of] barbarus [barbarian, foreign] * see barbarous
拉丁語 barbarum [] barbarus的中性 [野蠻的,異族的] *參見 barbarous

<注釋>The wordrhubarb may contain two hidden references to its origins. The first of these is in therhu- part of the word, which can be traced back to the Greek wordrha, meaning .rhubarb..According to the Late Latin historian Ammianus Marcellinus,rhubarb was namedrha because it grew near the river namedRha, which we know as the Volga. The-barb part of rhubarb was actually added first to Late Latin rha, descended from Greek rha, in the form rhabarbarum, barbarum being the neuter form of barbarus, .foreign.. Another Greek word for rhubarb,rhôon, influenced the Late Latin word rhabarbarum, giving usreubarbarum, which yielded Old Frenchreubarbe. The Old French form gave us Middle Englishrubarbe, first recorded in a work written around 390.In imitation of the way the Greek wordrha is spelled, anh was added, completing the long journey of this word into English from the banks of the Volga in classical times.
單詞rhubarb 可能包含兩個關於其語源的隱藏的參考信息。 第一個是單詞中的rhu- 部分, 它可追溯到希臘單詞rha, 意為.大黃。.根據後期拉丁歷史學家阿米亞諾斯·馬塞勒斯的意見,大黃被命名為rha, 因為它生長在我們稱之為伏爾加河的Rha 河附近。 Rhubarb 中的 -barb 實際上最初以 rhabarbarum 的形式加在由希臘語 rha 傳下來的後期拉丁語 rha 上, barbarum作為 barbarus (.異族的.)的中性形式。 另一個表大黃的希臘單詞rheon 影響了後期拉丁單詞 rhabarbarum, 讓我們得到單詞reubarbarum,由此產生了古法文詞reubarbe 。 該古法文形式產生了中世紀英文rubarbe, 首次記錄在寫於390年左右的一本著作中。模仿希臘單詞rha 拼寫的方式, 再加上一個h, 從而完成了這個詞從古代伏爾加河岸轉變到英文的漫長歷程

