字典網>> 英漢字典>> S開頭詞條>>step的意思 漢英字典




n. 步驟, 步, 步幅, 腳步聲, 踏級, 步伐, 短距離, 步態, 手段, 等級
vt. 踏, 以步測量, 跨步, 使成階梯狀
vi. 跨步, 輕快地走, 跳舞, 踩, 踏上, 行走
【計】 步驟
【化】 間距; 節距; 跨距
【醫】 階梯, 步級, 梯級
【經】 步驟; 行進
step along
step aside
to step forward
step by step
step down
step in
step it
step off
step off the deep end
step on
step on it
step out
step up
step up sth
take a false step
step out of line
make a false step
watch one's step
in step
out of step
get one's step
give sb a step
rise a step in sb's opinion
rise a step in sb's estimation


  1. The government is taking steps to control the rising crime rate.
  2. We should take steps to prevent war.
  3. She stepped on a loose stone and twisted her ankle.


名詞 step:

  1. any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal
  2. the distance covered by a step
    同義詞:footstep, pace, stride
  3. the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down
  4. support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway
  5. relative position in a graded series
  6. a short distance
    同義詞:stone's throw
  7. the sound of a step of someone walking
    同義詞:footfall, footstep
  8. a musical interval of two semitones
    同義詞:tone, whole tone, whole step
  9. a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface
    同義詞:footprint, footmark
  10. a solid block joined to the beams in which the heel of a ship's mast or capstan is fixed
  11. a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance
    同義詞:dance step

動詞 step:

  1. shift or move by taking a step
  2. put down or press the foot, place the foot
  3. cause (a computer) to execute a single command
  4. treat badly
    同義詞:mistreat, maltreat, abuse, ill-use, ill-treat
  5. furnish with steps
  6. move with one's feet in a specific manner
  7. walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner
  8. place (a ship's mast) in its step
  9. measure (distances) by pacing
  10. move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation


動詞過去式:stepped 過去分詞:stepped 現在分詞:stepping 第三人稱單數:steps 



step, pace
step: 普通用詞,指腳抬起落下的動作和一步的距離。抽象概念指步驟。
pace: 指身體向前移動的速度和情況。表一步距離時,可與step換用。
walk, stride, stroll, strut, pace, step
walk: 最常用詞,中性詞,指除跑、跳之外所有移步的動作。
stride: 著重步子大而且節奏有力,流露出匆忙、煩惱、得意等情緒。
stroll: 多指走走停停,步子緩慢,悠閒自得,漫無目的。
strut: 指大搖大擺地走,含過分自信或自高自大意味。
pace: 指踱步,走步。
step: 多用來指“短步,台步或急步”。
