字典網>> 英漢字典>> T開頭詞條>>take的意思


音標[teik] 讀音


vt. 拿, 取, 抓, 帶領, 獲得, 就座, 接受, 吃, 吸引, 採取, 乘, 需要, 花費
vi. 吃掉對方棋子, 抓住, 起作用, 依法獲得財產
n. 拿, 取, 收成, 奏效
【經】 取消禁運
to take sb about sth
to take...into account
to take air
take sb by the hand
take sth on one's shoulder
take hold of sth
take sb at a disadvantage
take a day off
take one's leave
take office
take one's time
take the chair
take the floor
take harbour
take sb's advice
take sb into one's confidence
take the blame
take things as they are
take it from me
take one's time over
take place
take the law into one's own hands
take the rough with the smooth
take action
take notes
take a letter
take a photo
if I take you correctly
take sth as settled
take an interest in
take pity on
take for example
take a bath
take a look
take a rest
take no notice
take ill
take pretty surly
be able to take it
take sb aback
take after sb
take against
take ammiss
take sth apart
take as
take away
take sth down
take five
take for
take from
take the situation in
take in the meaning of
take it or leave it
take it out in
take it out of sb
take it out on sb
take sth off
take sb off
take off
take on
take sb on
take sth on
take out
take sth out on sb
take oneself off
take the conceit out of sb
take sth over
take sth hard
take sth ill
take ten
take to sth
take sth up
take up
take sth up with
take sb up
take sb up on sth
take up the matter with
take up a post
take up one's residence at
take upon oneself
take seriously
to take the air


動詞過去式:took 過去分詞:taken 現在分詞:taking 第三人稱單數:takes 形容詞:takable 


accept, receive, admit, take
accept: 強調主動地或自願地接受,或者說,經過考慮後同意接受。
receive: 著重僅僅接到或收到這一結論或事實,而不含採取主動或積極行動的意思。
admit: 作“接受”講時,強調準許或批准。
take: 與receive同意,是receive的日常用法,側重不帶主觀意願地收下或接受。
bring, carry, take, fetch, get, convey, transport
bring: 指從某處把人或物帶到或拿到說話者所在的地點,強調方向,不著重方式。
carry: 指把物品從一個地方帶到另一個地方,不涉及方向,只強調方式。
take: 指從說話人或說話人心目中所在處把某人或某物帶離開,帶到離說話者有一定距離的地方,與bring的方向正相反,側重方向,不著重方式。
fetch: 指一往一返,相當於go and bring,去取了東西或帶人再返回到出發處。
get: 口語用詞,與fetch基本同義,語氣隨便
convey: 指通過中間人傳遞信息,或以某種方式把人或物送到目的地。
transport: 指使用車輛或機械設備把人或貨物從一處運載到另一處。
cost, expend, spend, take, pay
cost: 指花費時間、金錢、勞力等。其主語是物,而不能由人充當,也不用被動形式。
expend: 較正式用詞,通常指為某一專門目的而花費大量金錢、時間或精力。
spend: 普通用詞,與cost基本同義,但主語必須是人。
take: 普通用詞,指需要占用空間、時間或精力等,其主語可以是人,也可以是一件事情。
pay: “付款、給……報酬”,它可作及物動詞也可作不及物動詞。pay常用於以下幾種句型:①sb.pay(s)sb.money意為“某人付款給另一個人或某人給另一個人多少報酬”。
  • he pays me fifty yuan a week.
②pay for sth.意為“付……款、給……報酬”。
  • he has paid for the meal.
③pay money for sth.意為“花多少錢買某物”。
  • my father paid 40 pounds for the desk.
take, grasp, grab, grip, clasp, clutch, snatch, seize
take: 最普通用詞,不帶感 * 彩。指用手抓、取某東西或控制某物。
grasp: 指緊緊抓住、抓牢。
grab: 指粗暴而急迫的抓住。
grip: 語氣比grasp強,指用手的最大力量緊緊抓住。
clasp: 指用手緊握或用臂緊抱。
clutch: 強調匆忙、緊急地抓、抓緊。
snatch: 指突然搶走,側重動作更快或更具暴力性質
seize: 指突然抓住某物,強調突然的猛烈動作。


名詞 take:

  1. the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property
    同義詞:return, issue, takings, proceeds, yield, payoff
  2. the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption

動詞 take:

  1. carry out
  2. require (time or space)
    同義詞:occupy, use up
  3. take somebody somewhere
    同義詞:lead, direct, conduct, guide
  4. get into one's hands, take physically
    同義詞:get hold of
  5. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect
    同義詞:assume, acquire, adopt, take on
  6. interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression
  7. take something or somebody with oneself somewhere
    同義詞:bring, convey
  8. take into one's possession
  9. require as useful, just, or proper
    同義詞:necessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, involve, call for, demand
  10. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
    同義詞:choose, select, pick out
  11. travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route
  12. receive willingly something given or offered
    同義詞:accept, have
  13. assume, as of positions or roles
  14. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes
    同義詞:consider, deal, look at
  15. experience or feel or submit to
  16. make a film or photograph of something
    同義詞:film, shoot
  17. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
    同義詞:remove, take away, withdraw
  18. serve oneself to, or consume regularly
    同義詞:consume, ingest, take in, have
  19. accept or undergo, often unwillingly
    同義詞:undergo, submit
  20. make use of or accept for some purpose
  21. take by force
  22. occupy or take on
    同義詞:assume, strike, take up
  23. admit into a group or community
    同義詞:accept, admit, take on
  24. ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial
  25. be a student of a certain subject
    同義詞:learn, study, read
  26. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
    同義詞:claim, exact
  27. head into a specified direction
  28. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment
    同義詞:aim, train, take aim, direct
  29. be seized or affected in a specified way
  30. have with oneself; have on one's person
    同義詞:carry, pack
  31. engage for service under a term of contract
    同義詞:lease, rent, hire, charter, engage
  32. receive or obtain by regular payment
    同義詞:subscribe, subscribe to
  33. buy, select
  34. to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort
  35. have sex with; archaic use
  36. lay claim to; as of an idea
  37. be designed to hold or take
  38. be capable of holding or containing
    同義詞:contain, hold
  39. develop a habit
  40. proceed along in a vehicle
  41. obtain by winning
  42. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness
    同義詞:contract, get


  1. The machine takes its name from its inventor.
  2. I passed him the rope and he took it.
