字典網>> 英漢字典>> T開頭詞條>>terrorist的意思


音標['ter?rist] 讀音


n. *
【法】 * , 恐怖主義




名詞 terrorist:

  1. a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities

形容詞 terrorist:

  1. characteristic of someone who employs terrorism (especially as a political weapon)


  1. Without my gun, I'm a sitting duck for any terrorist.
    沒有這支槍,我就成了 * 下手的目標
  2. Most disappearances are the result of the terrorist activity.
    大多數的失蹤案都是 * 造成的。
  3. There's been another terrorist bomb attack.' Really? I don't know what the world is coming to.'
    `又發生一次 * * * 事件.' `真的嗎? 不知道這個世界要變成什麽樣子了.'
  4. Terrorist attacks made our position very unhealthy.
    在 * 的襲擊下我們面臨生命危險
  5. The embassy is an obvious target for terrorist attacks.
    大使館是 * 攻擊的明顯目標。
  6. A country of northwest Africa bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. Algeria gained its independence from France in1962 after a long terrorist and guerrilla campaign. Algiers is the capital and the largest city. Population, 16,948,000.
    阿爾及利亞非洲西北部濱鄰地中海的國家經過長期的恐怖主義活動和游擊戰爭,阿爾及利亞於1962年脫離法國統治宣布獨立。阿爾及爾是首都及最大的城市。人口16,948, 000
  7. The police are connecting this incident with last week's terrorist bombing.
    警方認為這次事件和上周的 * * 事件有關。
  8. The terrorists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner.
    * 揚言要炸毀劫持的客機。
