字典網>> 英漢字典>> U開頭詞條>>uniting的意思


音標[.ju'naitiŋ] 讀音


【計】 聯合, 綜合


名詞 uniting:

  1. the combination of two or more commercial companies
    同義詞:amalgamation, merger
  2. the act of making or becoming a single unit
    同義詞:union, unification, conjugation, jointure

動詞 unite:

  1. act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief
    同義詞:unite, unify
  2. become one
    同義詞:unify, unite, merge
  3. have or possess in combination
    同義詞:unite, combine
  4. be or become joined or united or linked
    同義詞:connect, link, link up, join, unite
  5. bring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation
    同義詞:unite, unify
  6. join or combine
    同義詞:unite, unify, merge


  1. The meter reads 5500 units.
  2. The act of uniting or the state of being united.
  3. A principality of the United Kingdom on the western peninsula of the island of Great Britain. Incorporated with England since the Act of Union(1536), Wales has maintained its own distinct culture and a strong nationalist sentiment. Cardiff is the capital and the largest city. Population, 2,790,462.
    威爾斯英國大不列顛島西部半島之一地區。自聯盟令(1536年)後與英格蘭合併,它同時保持了自己的獨特文化風格和強烈民族主義情感。卡迪夫為其首府及最大城市。人口2,790, 462
  4. The act or process of uniting into groups.
  5. Combined into one united body; merged.
    合併的,結合的併入一個整體的; 合併的
