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高考英文作文精彩短語150條 1

作者:不詳  (字數:1000字作文)

1 欣賞大自然的風景 to appreciate the scenery of nature

2 培養公德心 to cultivate the public mindedness

3 維護健康 to maintain health

4 保護環境 to protect the environment

5 開拓視野 to broaden the horizon

6 開拓心胸 to broaden the mind

7 調劑生活 to make life pleasant

8 鬆散身心 to relax oneself

9 啟迪心靈 to enlighten the mind

10 灌輸知識 to impart knowledge into someone

11 追求理想 to seek after the ideal

12 實現抱負 to realize one's ambition

13 守信用 to keep one's promise

14 跟上時代 to keep up with the times

15 欣賞古典文學 to appreciate the classical literature

16 學習吉他 to learn guitar

17 陶冶品德 to cultivate the character

18 貢獻國家 to contribute oneself to the country

19 鍛鍊身體 to strengthen, exercise the body

20 缺乏休閒活動 to lack recreations

21 作筆記 to take notes
  22 使用參考 to use reference books

23 關心社會 to be concerned about the society

24 服從校規 to follow the rules of the school

25 盡身為學生的責任 to fulfill one's duty as a student

26 克服困難 to overcome the difficulty

27 面臨困難 to be confronted with the difficulty

28 渡過困境 to weather the storm

29 走捷徑 to cut the corner

30 量脈搏 to feel the pulse