字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>半圓形的英文翻譯


拼音:bàn yuán xíng


hemicycle; semicircle
【機】 simicircle


  1. 兩條長凳,擺成半圓形,幾乎把爐火圍起來了。
    Two benches, shaped in sections of a circle, nearly enclosed the hearth;
  2. 量角器一種半圓形的量角和畫角的工具
    A semicircular instrument for measuring and constructing angles
  3. 在下面,有一個呈半圓形的大房間。
    Down below, there was a large room in the shape of a half circle
  4. 肉餡餅餡餅或半圓形卷餅,尤指內有加了調料的肉體或魚的
    A pie or turnover, especially one filled with seasoned meat or fish.
  5. 面向我排成半圓形站著。
    Stand in a horseshoe facing me
  6. 他們坐成半圓形
    They sat in a semicircle
  7. 肉餡餅餡餅或半圓形卷餅,尤指內有加了調料的肉體或魚的
    A pie or turnover, especially one filled with seasoned meat or fish
  8. 我們坐在火旁,圍成個半圓形
    We sat in a semicircle about the fire.
