字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>彆扭的英文翻譯 “彆扭”的日文翻譯


拼音:biè niǔ


awkward; difficult; unnatural


(1) ∶彼此意見不投合。亦指爭執之事鬧彆扭(2) ∶說話、作文不通順、不流利這... >>查看“彆扭”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他故意找彆扭
    He intentionally looks for difficult to deal with(ly).
  2. 這句話有點彆扭
    This sentence is a bit awkward
  3. 這個句子彆扭得很,更不用說它語義晦澀了。
    This sentence is very awkward, to say nothing of its being obscure.
  4. 這茶壺把兒的形狀真彆扭
    The handle of this teapot has an awkward shape.
  5. 這個人真彆扭
    That chap is really difficult to deal with.
  6. 是拉,但要讀英文的話,只能從中文歌曲演變來的英文裡彆扭彆扭地聽了拉。
    But I like the rea*y English songs from English countries best! And you?
  7. 跛顛簸、不穩或彆扭的步伐
    An irregular, jerky, or awkward gait.
  8. 婚姻生活並不像想像的那樣儘是幸福與甜蜜,有時也會鬧些彆扭
    Marriage is not always a bed of roses Disagreements sometimes happen
