字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>赤的英文翻譯 “赤”的日文翻譯



bare; loyal; red


赤 chì 紅色,比朱色稍暗的顏色:赤血。赤字。 真誠,忠誠:赤誠(極其真誠)...


  1. 在大庭廣眾之中身裸體是有失體面的事。
    Appearing naked in public is an offence against decency.
  2. 著腳輕快地走過(走廊)。
    She pattered along (the corridor) in her bare feet.
  3. 她正經得出了格,甚至見了身露體的孩子也難為情。
    She was such a prude that she was even embarrassed by the sight of naked children.
  4. 使窮困;使
    To reduce to poverty; make poor.
  5. 蜻科Libellulidae; 雙脈卒Sympetrum rupture Needham,黑條紅卒S.
    Libellulidae: Sympetrum rupture Needham,S.
  6. 甘肅霉病糧的鐮刀菌分離
    Isolation of Fusarium of Gibberella Cereals in Gansu Province
  7. 北半球是地球道以北的 部分,
    The Northern Hemisphere is the part of the world north of the equator,
  8. 越靠近道,天氣就越熱。
    The nearer you get to the equator, the hotter it is.
