take out【經】 lay on
抽 chōu 把中間的取出:把信抽出。 從事物中提出一部分:抽籤。抽調(di刼...>>查看“抽”在國語字典中的解釋
1.giveapull 2.suckat 3.pumping 4.drawing 5.sucking 6.pump(single-action;singleacting)相關對話:
- 你需用泵著實抽吸幾分鐘,才能把油箱灌滿。You will need to pump hard for several minutes to fill the tank.
- 這台泵通過這個閥門把(容器中的)空氣抽出。The pump sucks air out (of the vessel) through this valve.
- 抽彩儀式星期六舉行。The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday.
- 發動機將水沿管道抽來。The engine draws water along the pipe.
- 他抽著菸斗,若有所思。He drew thoughtfully on his pipe.
- 在兩道菜之間抽煙有時認為是失禮的。It is sometimes considered bad form to smoke between courses at a meal.
- 婦女在大眾面前抽煙並非不常見。It is not uncommon for women to smoke in public.
- 在辦公室里抽煙可以嗎?Is it okay to smoke in the office?