字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>刺激的的英文翻譯


拼音:cì jī de


exciting; irritative; provocative; stimulative
【醫】 irritant; irritative; stimulant


  1. 一次緊張刺激的激流划艇活動
    a hair-raising experience of whitewater rafting
  2. 反應力對刺激的反應能力
    The capacity to respond to stimuli.
  3. 使人毛髮直豎的使人興奮,恐懼或感到刺激的
    Causing excitement, terror, or thrills.
  4. 起到激怒、刺激的作用或易於激怒或刺激。
    serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate.
  5. (3)感受光刺激的部位是根冠。
    (3) Root cap was the site of light perception.
  6. 氣味或味道極為刺激的
    very offensive in smell or taste.
  7. 剌激性言行刺激的、激勵的、嘲笑的言論或行為
    A goading, provoking, or teasing remark or act
  8. 負性情緒刺激的反應啟動效應事件相關電位的實驗研究
    The reaction priming effect of emotionally negative stimuli: an ERP study
