首頁>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>匆的英文翻譯



hurry; in a hurry; in haste


  1. 如果你匆忙忙地做事,那你就要出差錯。
    You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.
  2. 不要認為美國人如此忙是不友善的。
    Do not think that Americans are in such a hurry that they are unfriendly.
  3. 匆忙忙向電報局去了。
    She went to the telegraph office in a hurry.
  4. 匆趕往機場。
    She hurried to the airport.
  5. 匆忙忙涉水過了河。
    She forded the river in a hurry.
  6. 匆走過去,消失森林里。
    He hurried by and disappeared in the wood.
  7. 我們在一家小餐館裡吃了午飯,就又匆回到車上。
    We had our lunch in a cafe and hurried back to the car.


匆的意思 匆 ō 急促:匆忙。匆促。匆猝(亦作“匆卒”)。匆遽。行色匆匆。 筆畫數:; 部首:勹; 筆順編號:
