字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>叢的的英文翻譯


拼音:cóng de


【醫】 plexal


  1. 一個很小的經過修剪的沒有下層樹叢的樹林。
    a small cultivated wood without undergrowth
  2. 一隻兔子突然竄了出來,又消失在灌木叢的另一頭。
    A rabbit shot out and disappeared into the other side of the bush.
  3. 一隻兔子突然竄了出來,又消失在灌木叢的另一頭。
    A rabbit shot out and disappeared into the other side of the bush
  4. 小樹林缺乏茂密下層樹叢的小樹林或樹木群體
    A small wood or stand of trees that lacks dense undergrowth.
  5. 星星點點地分布著一些樹叢的大草原
    a prairie islanded with groves
  6. 在樹叢的陰影下
    in the shadow of the grove
  7. 她把小樹叢的頂梢都剪去了。
    She shaved off the top branches of that bush .
  8. 熱帶樹林和灌木叢的大屬;牛栓藤屬的模式屬。
    large genus of tropical trees and shrubs; type genus of the Connaraceae.
