
拼音:fēi nàn


censure; animadvert; criticise; rebuke; reprehend; reprimand; reprobate
【法】 impugn


1.cryshameon  2.reprobate  3.makeachargeagainst  4.reproval  5.reprehension  6.throwstonesat  7.reprobation  8.accuse  9.objurgate  10.criticise  11.dyslogy  12.criticize  13.animadverton  14.condemnation  15.accusation  16.betongue  


  1. 他們那套遭到許多非難的設備操縱起來實際上要比別的地方許多備受讚揚的設備好得多。
    Their much reviled system in fact works far better than many highly praised ones elsewhere.
  2. 詹姆斯對該計畫進行非難,但我卻對它們置之不理。
    James made some adverse criticisms of the plan but I was able to brush them aside.
  3. 非難我最好的朋友真使我生氣。我火了,而且差一點揍他。
    He got my blood up by criticizing my best friend. I lost my temper and almost hit him.
  4. 他證明了他是正確的,而那些非難他的人不得不收起他們那一套。
    He proved that he was right and his critics had to back down.
  5. 那位船長被免除了因船隻失事而遭致的非難和罪責。
    The captain is absolved from all blame and responsibility for the shipwreck.


非難的意思 指摘;責備 無可非難詳細解釋.批評和指責。《中國近代思想史參考資料簡編·駁<新民叢報>最近之非革命論》:“其根據可謂全破,而論者亦將無他説以非難革命也。” 郭沫若 《王昭君》第一幕:“她母親撫育了一