【建】 fluoranthene中文解釋:
芙 fú 〔芙蓉〕a.落葉灌木,花有紅、黃、白各色,別於荷花,亦稱“木芙蓉”;...>>查看“芙”在國語字典中的解釋
- 夏季的水塘中,芙蓉盛開。Lotus flowers are in full bloom in the pond in summer.
- "芙勒,你記得我在維農山遇見的那位英國青年嗎?" ?/em>嚼棧卮鸕潰?"是偶然相遇罷了!""You remember, Fleur? The young Englishman I met at Mount Vernon." "Ships that pass in the night!" said Fleur.
- 是還是不是,這是個永恆的問題——論《伊芙琳》To Be or Not to Be, That Is an Eternal Question——On Eveline
- 維吉尼亞·沃爾芙:如果我能想清楚?如果我能想清楚?Virginia Woolf: If I were thinking clearly? If I were thinking clearly?
- 《寵兒》中丹芙的人物形象分析An Analysis of the Character Denver in Beloved
- 雷納德·沃爾芙:我們把你帶到里徹蒙德,給你安寧。Leonard Woolf: We brought you to Richmond to give you peace.
- 阿芙羅狄蒂:“原眾神與你同在,克瑞托斯,前進吧,以奧林匹斯眾神的名義。”Aphrodite: Go with the gods Kratos. Go forth, in the name of Olympus.