channel; chimb; ditch; fossa; furrow; gouge; groove【醫】 channel; furrow; groove; gutter; sulci; sulcus; trough
1.sulcus 2.trench 3.chimb 4.ravined 5.kennel 6.gouge 7.graff 8.groove 9.channel 10.chase 11.flute 12.trough 13.furrow 14.vallecula 15.canalis 16.dyke例句:
- 溝槽里都是泥。The gutter has filled up with mud.
- 汽車駛離道路跌進溝中。The car ran off the road into a ditch.
- 他在溝里和草堆里露宿了一個星期。He'd been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.
- 我忘了在帳篷四周挖一條溝。I forgot to dig a trench around the tent.
- 青蛙跳進了溝里。The frog jumped into the ditch.
- 車子翻了,我們被摔進了溝里。The cart overturned and precipitated us to the ditch.
- 他不知不覺地把車開進了溝里。He drove into the ditch completely unaware.