字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>歸於的英文翻譯 “歸於”的日文翻譯


拼音:guī yú


be attributed to; belong to; accredit; ascribe to; remain with


(1) ∶屬於(多指抽象事物)榮譽歸於集體(2) ∶以…為結果風停... >>查看“歸於”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.adscription  2.layto  3.layatthedoorof  4.reckon  5.reside  6.put  7.laidto  8.chargedoff  9.fallthrough  10.ascribe  11.lainatthedoorof  12.attribute  13.putsthdowntosth  14.redound  15.ascription  


  1. 我要使你與你的父母言歸於好。
    I will make your peace with your parents.
  2. 自然主義倫理學的觀點認為所有的現象都可以不用歸於道理上的,精神上的及超自然的重要性而被解釋為自然起因和法則
    The system of thought holding that all phenomena can be explained in terms of natural causes and laws without attributing moral, spiritual, or supernatural significance to them.
  3. 他把失敗歸於運氣不佳。
    He ascribed his failure to bad luck.
  4. 神風突擊機裝有炸彈,被駕駛著撞擊目標並與之同歸於盡的飛機
    An airplane loaded with explosives to be piloted in a suicide attack
  5. 將一個標本定錯誤而歸於一個特別的分類單元。
    To mistakenly attribute a specimen to a particular taxon
  6. 悲劇的日神因素和酒神因素這一對立在悲劇中被揚棄而歸於統一。
    The antithesis of Apollo and Dionysus is sublated and united in tragedies.
  7. 我們決定消除分歧,重歸於好。
    We decided to patch up our differences and become friends again.
  8. 他把失敗歸於運氣不佳。
    He ascribed his failure to bad luck.
