字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>浩的英文翻譯 “浩”的日文翻譯



grand; great; vast


浩 hào 水大,引申為大和多:浩大。浩繁。浩蕩。浩瀚。浩劫。浩淼(亦作“浩渺...


  1. 補唐史之不足 顯唐碑之丰韻徐書法三種
    Three works of calligraphy by Xu Hao
  2. 略論孟然詩風的清與淡
    On the Clear and Light of Poetic Style of Meng Haoran
  3. 幸運的是,目前它們的數量遠無法達到完成此劫的目標。
    Fortunately, their numbers are far too few for such a scourge - so far.
  4. 呼和特與包頭市近代建築的保護與再利用研究
    Study on Protection and Reuse of Recent Buildings in Hohhot and Baotou
  5. 不論它如何瀚,如何深邃,一點也不失其清澈透亮。
    great and profound as it is, it has not lost its transparency;
  6. 7沙(歐陸經典)健身俱樂部,2002年4月開業。
    HAOSHA(Ou Lu Sutra) fitness club, Start in Apr.2002.
  7. 瀚的在尺度或範圍上無邊界的或無法測量的
    Of boundless or immeasurable size or extent.
  8. 3. 呼和特市民族關係面臨的形勢及其對策。
    3. Current status of Hohhot’s ethnic relations and corresponding measures.
