字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>嫉的英文翻譯



envy; hate


  1. 世人還注意到,愛情妒的確會使人衣帶漸寬,而其他感情卻不致如此,原因是其他感情都不像愛情和嫉妒那樣寒暑無間。
    And it is also noted, that love and envy do make a man pine, which other affections do not, because they are not so continual.
  2. 最後讓筆者贅言幾句來結束這個部分。如本文開篇所言,妒行為有幾分巫術的性質,因此治嫉妒的最好方法就是治巫術的方法,也就是移開世人所謂的“符咒”,使之鎮在別人頭上。
    Lastly, to conclude this part; as we said in the beginning, that the act of envy had somewhat in it of witchcraft, so there is no other cure of envy, but the cure of witchcraft; and that is, to remove the lot(as they call it) and to lay it upon another.
  3. 妒亦是讚揚
    Envy is a kind of praise.
  4. 愛情、喜悅、憎恨、恐懼、嫉妒強烈的感情。
    Love, joy, hate, fear and jealousy are all emotions.


嫉的意思 嫉 ī 因別人比自己好而怨恨:嫉妒。嫉恨。嫉羨。 憎恨:嫉惡如仇。 筆畫數:; 部首:女; 筆順編號:
