字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>叫的英文翻譯 “叫”的日文翻譯



cry; call; ask; blat; bray; greet; name; order; shout


叫 jiào 呼喊:叫喊。叫囂(呼喊,吵鬧)。叫陣。叫座(戲曲或演員能吸引觀眾...


  1. 令人毛骨悚然的喊聲、尖聲、故事
    A blood-curdling cry, scream, story
  2. 苦連天
    incessantly complain to high heaven
  3. 那隻鳥的聲不很響亮。
    The call of that bird is not very loud.
  4. 他的律師他援引第五號修正案,拒絕回答任何問題。
    His lawyer told him to take the fifth.
  5. 她憤怒地衝著我喊
    She shouted at me angrily.
  6. 牌撲克遊戲中抵上(以前的注或下注者)所下的注
    To equal the bet of(the preceding bet or bettor) in a poker game
  7. 患者只需吞下一種作M2A成像膠囊的小設備。
    The patient swallows a small device called the M2A imaging capsule
  8. 燃燒著的木塊,熊熊地生出火光,道:“這是我的花朵,我的死亡。”
    The burning log bursts in flame and cries,---"This is my flower, my death."
