字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>進攻的英文翻譯


拼音:jìn gōng


aggression; assault; assume the offensive; attack; onset


1.onset  2.assumetheoffensive  3.aggression  4.throwback  5.advanceaginst  6.offence  7.doublepivotattack  8.taketheoffensive  9.actontheoffensive  10.offense  11.offensive  12.fallupon  


  1. 防禦工事已築好,準備對付敵人進攻
    The defences are kept in readiness for any enemy attack.
  2. 士兵們養精畜銳,節約糧草,以期反擊敵人的進攻
    The soldiers husband their strength and their food, waiting for the enemy to attack.
  3. 我們的部隊已經退下來重新整編,以便發動新的進攻
    Our armies have retired to regroup for a fresh attack.
  4. 敵人在夜裡向我們進攻
    The enemy attacked us at night.
  5. 他們抵擋不住那些士兵猛烈進攻
    They could not withstand the fierceness of attack of those soldiers.
  6. 我們作了一次戰略性退卻,以便我們能積蓄力量再次進攻
    We made a strategic withdrawal, so that we could build up our forces for a renewed attack.
  7. 船員擊退了進攻
    The crew repelled the attack.
  8. 我們必須加強防禦設施以抵禦進攻
    Our defences must be reinforced against attack.


進攻的意思 接近敵人並主動攻擊 在鬥爭或競賽中發動攻勢詳細解釋.謂軍隊接近敵人並主動實施攻擊。《漢書·王莽傳上》:“ 紹 等從者百餘人,遂進攻 宛 ,不得入而敗。”《舊唐書·竇建德傳》:“於是 建德 進攻 河
