字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>虧的英文翻譯 “虧”的日文翻譯



deficient; have a deficit; lose; luckily; short; treat unfairly


虧 (虧) kuī 缺損:虧本。 對不起:虧不了你。 幸而:多虧你提醒我。 表...


  1. 你在工作中細心是不會吃的.
    It pays to be careful in your work.
  2. 有個好老師,約翰通過了考試。
    Thanks to a good teacher, John passed the examination
  3. 你所可能蒙受的最大損是期權的價格。
    The maximum amount you can lose is the price of the call.
  4. 掛失及時。
    Thanks to the timely report-loss.
  5. 我現在常查。吃過一次有教訓了。
    Once bitten, twice shy. I always do now.
  6. 您是不是怕由於匯率浮動而吃
    Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations?
  7. 我們的同志,如果經驗使用不當,也會吃
    Our comrades will also come to grief if they misuse their experience.
  8. 得是你。
    Luckily it is you.
