字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>虧本出售的英文翻譯


拼音:kuī běn chū shòu


sell one's hens on a rainy day; slaughter
【經】 sacrifice sale; sell at a loss


  1. (為招徠顧客)虧本出售的商品
    Article sold at a loss to attract customers to buy other goods
  2. 廉價出賣,虧本出售以低於實際價值的價格出售(某物)
    To sell(something) at a price less than the actual value
  3. 因為他缺錢,他將虧本出售他的房子。
    He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money
  4. 他們必須虧本出售商品。
    They must sell the goods at a loss
  5. 虧本出售某物
    sell sth at a sacrifice
  6. 虧本出售的商品;廉價出售
    Distress merchandise; a distress sale
  7. 廉價出賣,虧本出售以低於實際價值的價格出售(某物)
    To sell(something) at a price less than the actual value.
